| Fellowships | The 2023-24 EPSA Fellowship competition closed on 10 May 2023. How to ApplyThe European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) announces 16 EPSA Fellowships for junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe to visit a leading research institution in Western Europe. The fellowships help with travel, accommodation and living expenses for approximately one month (details below) in the academic year 2023/2024. During their visit, successful candidates will be members of the host institution and take part in its research activities. The aim of the scheme is to foster collaboration between philosophers of science working in Eastern Europe with their colleagues in Western Europe. This year we have two eligible cohorts. As in previous rounds, we invite applications from Junior Scholars in Central and Eastern Europe. A Junior Scholar is someone who has been awarded their PhD no more than five years prior to the application deadline, or who are in their last year of PhD. Applicants who were on maternity or sick leave, or have only worked part-time in philosophy after receiving their PhD, can apply for an extension of the five-year period. Applicants who wish to apply for such an extension should explain their circumstances in their application and the EPSA committee will consider their case. In addition, we now invite applications from Senior and Mid-Career scholars who have been adversely affected by the War in Ukraine, in accordance with our published statement. Each participating institution will host one Fellow for approximately one month in the academic year 2023/24. Fellows will also be able to reclaim their costs during that time – including travel, accommodation and living expenses – up to a maximum of 1500 Euros (or 1000 Euros in the case of the London School of Economics). The fellowships are made possible due to the generous support of the participating host institutions. To apply send the following to epsa.fellowships@gmail.com by 1. CV 2. A list indicating which of the above-mentioned centres you would like to visit and why (you can list a maximum of three institutions and should indicate a preference ranking). 3. A letter of motivation detailing your interest in the scheme (maximum of approximately 400 words) and five keywords specifying your topical focus. 4. A research proposal for the time of the visit (approximately 2000 words, including references). 5. For candidates who have not defended their PhD yet: A letter from their supervisor stating that they will defend their PhD at most six months after their research stay in the institution. Terms and conditions