We are happy to announce the following members have been elected to the Steering Committee:
- Stephanie Ruphy (President)
- Lilia Gurova (Treasurer)
- Catherine Herfeld
- Edouard Machery
- Caterina Marchionni
- Federica Russo
- Marcel Weber
Congratulations to them and thanks to everyone who ran for election. The changeover will officially take place in September at EPSA21. Standing down from the Steering Committee this year are:
- Samir Okasha (President)
- Maria Kronfeldner
- Anna Alexandrova
- Elena Castellani
- Jan Sprenger
- Mathias Frisch (now co-editor of the EJPS)
- Dunja Šešelja (now co-editor of the EJPS)
We thank them for their excellent service.