
Please find the program of the conference here.

An overview of the program can be downloaded here (updated: 2015-09-22): Program Overview

The book of abstracts can be downloaded here (updated: 2015-09-22): Book of Abstracts

The book of extended abstracts can be downloaded here (updated: 2015-09-22): Book of Extended Abstracts

Wednesday, September 23

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Pre-Event by the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS): Normative Social Science After the Great Recession
Pre-Event by the Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable: Recent Trends in the Philosophy of Social Science Pre-Event by the Philosophy of Mathematics Association (PMA): The Problem of Applicability is not a Problem
C. Herfeld: Two ways in which economics has been normative

T. Kwarcinski: Well-being in Post-crisis Economics [...]

J. A. Noguera: On the normative uses of social science

J. Reiss: Confirmation Meets Social Epistemology: A Theory of Inferential Judgement

J. Bohman: Republicanism Then and Now

P. A. Roth: Reviving the Philosophy of History

S. Turner: Normativity and Social Science
O. Bueno: How to Dissolve the Problem of the Application of Mathematics

E. Landry: Mathematical Structuralism and Mathematical Applicability

Ø. Linnebo: Mathematics and Inference to the Best Explanation
Registration, foyer

Opening, room 5D
14:00-14:30 S. Hartmann & G. Schurz

Springer Lecture, room 5D (Chair: S. Hartmann)
14:30-16:00 C. Bicchieri: Trendsetters and Social Change
16:00-16:30 Refreshments, foyer, room 52 and canteen

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Symposium: Quo Vadis Selective Scientific Realism? (Chair: I. Votsis) Symposium: Measure Sensitivity in the Study of Reasoning and Cognition (Chair: D. Atkinson) General Philosophy of Science I (Chair: J. D. Trout) Philosophy of the Natural Sciences I (Chair: A. Bartels) Philosophy of the Life Sciences I (Chair: M. I. Kaiser)
16:30-17:00 A. Chakravartty: Case Studies and Selective Realism

D. W. Harker: Does Realism Become More Reasonable as Theories Become More Successful?

T. D. Lyons: The Scientific Realism Debate in the Year 2015: A New Era of Realist Criteria and Non-Realist Historical Challenges

D. Peters: Selective Realism: Theory Choice or Theory Synthesis?

P. Vickers: Understanding the Selective Realist Defence against the PMI
P. Brössel: Criteria for the Deciding between Confirmation Measures

G. Cevolani: Measure Sensitivity in Verisimilitude Theory

V. Crupi: Shannon and Beyond: Generalized Entropies and Rational Information Search

M. Schippers: Coherentism, Pluralism and Measure Sensitivity

J. Sprenger: Probabilistic Explications of Causal Strength
C. Held: What is a ceteris paribus law? A. Sus: The Equivalence Principle and Dynamical Explanations A. Love: Building integrated explanatory models of complex biological phenomena
17:00-17:30 R. Nyrup: Empirical Problems for Explanationism A. Wilson: Naturalising Recombination A.-S. Barwich & K. Bschir: Reality as a relational property: the history of G-protein coupled receptors
17:30-18:00 S. Schindler: Theoretical Fertility McMullin-Style A. Vassallo: On the notion of a-spatiotemporal beables in quantum gravity, or: Can we dispense with space and time as fundamental categories? B. Osimani: Causality in pharmacology: Conceptual analysis for a changing landscape
18:00-18:30 D. Seselja: Is interaction conducive to scientific objectivity? F.A. Muller & K. McKenzie: Parts, Wholes and Potentials C. Pence: Charles Darwin and Sir John F. W. Herschel: Nineteenth-Century Science and its Methodology
18:45-20:00 Reception, Oeconomicum (building 24.31)

Thursday, September 24

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

General Philosophy of Science II (Chair: C. Held) Formal Approaches to Philosophy of Science I (Chair: T. Kuipers) Symposium: Non-Causal Aspects of Scientific Explanation (Chair: A. Sus) Philosophy of the Cognitive Sciences I (Chair: D. Hommen) Symposium: Approaches in Philosophy of Science in Practice (Chair: A. Christian)
09:30-10:00 C. Hoefer: Scientific Realism and Fundamental Physics B. Autzen: Significance testing, P-values and the principle of total evidence A. Bokulich: On the Supposed Incompatibility of Causal and Non-Causal Explanations

M. Frisch & A. Reutlinger: A Counterfactual Account of Non-Causal and Causal Explanations

P. Hunemann: Varieties of Structural Explanations and the Notions of Explanatory Pluralism

I. L. S. Jansson & J. Saatsi: Explanatory Abstraction in a Counterfactual Framework
A. Bueter: Psychiatric Classification between Science and Practice M. Boumans: Symposium on Approaches in Philosophy of Science in Practice

C. Herfeld: An Argument for Local Critique in Philosophy of the Social Sciences: The Case of Rational Choice Theory

M. Bertolaso & R. Campaner: Modeling Multi-level Disorders: Overcoming the Mechanistic-systemic Dichotomy

L. Camprubi: Science in the Flesh: The Epistemological Role of Bodily Sensations and Operations in 20th Century Oceanography

J. de Swart: Making Sense of Theoretical Practices: Scripts, Scruples, and the Mass of the Universe
10:00-10:30 R. Northcott: Approximate truth and scientific realism D. Atkinson & J. Peijnenburg: A Measure for Partial Knowledge J. van Den Herik: Getting Real About Words
10:30-11:00 F. Dizadji-Bahmani: Who is afraid of multiple realisability? E. Cresto, M. D. Corral, D. Tajer, J. Nascimbene, & A. Cassini: Confirmational Holism and Theory Choice: Arrow meets Duhem L. Gurova: Are causal accounts of explanation always useful? In the case of personality trait explanation they are probably not
11:00-11:30 F. Pero & E. Castellani & T. Knuuttila: Representation, models and structure: a reconceptualization R. Hauswald: A General Model of Diversity in Science S. Kornmesser: A Frame-Based Approach for Operationalized Concepts
11:30-12:00 Poster Session, room 34
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Symposium: Life as Process: Reconceptualizing the Organism (Chair: M. I. Kaiser) Symposium: Levels, Computation, and Causation in Cognitive Neuroscience (Chair: A. Gebharter) Philosophy of the Natural Sciences II (Chair: A. Wilson) Historical, Social and Cultural Studies of Science I (Chair: V. Kindi) General philosophy of science III (Chair: R. D. Rus)
13:00-13:30 J. Dupre: Introduction

A. S. Meincke: Metabolic Identity: Approaches to the Particularity of Life from a Processual Perspective

S. Guttinger: A Process-Based Understanding of Biological Boundaries

D. J. Nicholson: Reconceptualizing the Organism: From Complex Machine to Flowing Stream
J. Harbecke: Level Distinctions and Methods for Constitutive Inference in Cognitive Neuroscience

O. Shagrir: Computations, Mechanisms, and the Role of the Environment

V. Hoffmann-Kolss: Causal Relations in Mechanistic Explanations

M. Milkowski: The False Dichotomy between Causal Realization and Semantic Computation
A. Woody: Reaction Mechanisms in Chemistry: A Comparison Case for Accounts of Scientific Explanation A. Leuschner: Social Exclusion despite Methodological Criteria: On Biases in Scientific Quality Evaluation L. Desautels & G. Ramsey: Causal-possibility explanations
13:30-14:00 A. Bartels: A dispositionalist theory of laws-without dispositions A. Basoukos: Self-Evidence in Scientific Practice J. Z. Bonilla: Scientific realism as a pragmatic attitude: a deflationist account
14:00-14:30 B. Feintzeig: Unitary Inequivalence in Classical Systems A. Mets: Measurement theory from the point of view of practical realism: On the example of the periodic table of chemical elements J. R. Brown: Mathematical Evidence: Pure and Applied
14:30-15:00 C. Werndl & R. Frigg: Reconceptualising Equilibrium in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics and Characterizing its Existence D. Ludwig: Local Ontologies and the Integration of Indigenous Knowledge J. Stegenga: Absolute Measures of Effectiveness
15:00-15:30 Refreshments, foyer, room 52 and canteen

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Philosophy of the Life Sciences II (Chair: A. Love) Symposium: Social Norms Across Disciplines (Chair: A. Christian) Symposium: Émilie Du Châtelet's Institutions de Physique (Chair: N. Retzlaff) General Philosophy of Science IV (Chair: J. Kuorikoski) Formal Approaches to Philosophy of Science II (Chair: G. Schurz)
15:30-16:00 D. Teira, C. Saborido, & M. Gonzalez-Moreno: Disease-mongering through clinical trials M. Colombo: Norm Compliance and Humeanism. A Neurocomputational Account

K. Hoff: Insult versus Accident: Caste Culture and the Efficiency of Coordination

C. Lisciandra: Modelling Norms
J. Elder: Émilie du Châtelet on Newtonian Attraction

A. M. Solomon: Du Châtelet's Philosophy of Space and Time

J. A. Hanson: Du Châtelet on the Law of Continuity

J. Steeger: PSR and the Problem of Force: The Metaphysical Grounding of Physics in Du Châtelet and Wolff

A. Wells: Substance and Change in the Institutions de Physique
C. Menke: In defense of historical theories of confirmation M. M. Bentzen: Interventions at the core of scientific reasoning: On the de-idealizing and re-idealizing formal logic
16:00-16:30 N. Atanasova: Convergent Perspectivism D. Tulodziecki: From zymes to germs: discarding the realist/antirealist framework M. Beirlaen & B. Leuridan: A logic for the discovery of causal regularities
16:30-17:00 G. Pontarotti: Extended inheritance as persisting extended organization S. Chow: The Gap Between Psychological Explanation and Mechanistic Explanation P. Dziurosz-Serafinowicz: A Resiliency-Based Approach to Chance
17:00-17:30 H. Desmond: Natural selection: deriving causality from equilibrium F. Padovani: Measurements, coordination, and the problem of representation of physical quantities P. Thorn: On the preference for more specific reference classes

De Gruyter Lecture, room 5D (Chair: J.-W. Romeijn)
17:40-19:10 I. Douven: Measuring Graded Membership: The Case of Color
19:45-22:00 Conference Dinner, Brauerei Zum Schlüssel, Bolkerstraße 41-47

Friday, September 25

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Symposium: Newman's Objection to Structural Realism: New Approaches (Chair: C. J. Feldbacher) Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences II (Chair: L. Gurova) Symposium: How is Reduction achieved? (Chair: V. Hoffmann-Kolss) Philosophy of the Natural Sciences III (Chair: A. Bartels) Historical, social and cultural studies of science II (Chair: A. Basoukos)
09:30-10:00 O. Bueno: Overcoming Newman's Objection

J. Ladyman: The Newman Problem and Ontic Structural Realism

S. Lutz: Newman's Objection is Dead, Long Live Newman's Objection!

T. Meier: A Carnapian Answer to Newman

T. Pashby: Russell's Response to Newman: Space-Time Structuralism
M. Werning & S. Cheng: Is Episodic Memory a Natural Kind? P. Fazekas: Reductive Explanation and Hypothetical Identities

R. Hendry: Mechanisms and Reduction in Chemistry

L. M. Andersen: Mechanisms and Reduction in Psychiatry - An Interventionist Perspective

U. Baysan: "Nothing-over-and-above-ness" without Reduction

G. Kertész: Autonomy, Multiple Realization and the Way Reduction is Done
D. Romano & G. Bacciagaluppi: Classical Limit of a (Macroscopic) Particle in a Box: A suggested Solution to Einstein's Objection to Bohm's Theory (CANCELLED) F. Dewulf: The Objectivity of the Humanities: Hempel, Carnap and the Case of Lucien Febvre
10:00-10:30 S. B. Fink: Scientific Competition and Its Threat to a Neuroscience of Consciousness F. Boge: On the Epistemic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics J. Eigi: On the Role of Political Science Research in Philosophy of Science
10:30-11:00 S. Z. Caiani: On the Plurality of Explanations in the Cognitive Sciences C. D. McCoy: Cosmological Probabilities: General Relativity and Statistical Mechanics Writ Large W. van der Deijl: Well-being intuitionism and conceptual adequacy in well-being science
11:00-11:30 U. Feest: What are phenomena in the cognitive and behavioral sciences? F. Azhar: Typicality in multiverse cosmology M. van Strien: The law of continuity, determinateness, and the mathematizability of nature: Boscovich and his contemporaries
11:30-12:00 Poster Session, room 34
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Symposium: Science within Metaphysics and Metaphysics within Science [...] (Chair: J. Saatsi) General Philosophy of Science V (Chair: R. Scholl) Symposium: Imprecise Probabilities (Chair: T. Müller) Philosophy of the Natural Sciences IV (Chair: I. Votsis) Philosophy of the Life Sciences III (Chair: U. Stegmann)
13:00-13:30 H. Beebee: Metaphysics and Science: Rationalism and Empiricism

S. French: Building Bridges with the Right Tools: Modality and the Standard Model

A. Guay & T. Pradeu: Situating Metaphysics of Science: Back to Square One

A. Ney: Are the Questions of Metaphysics More Fundamental than Those of Science?
D. Kostic: Non-causal Features of Topological Explanations: Expending the Notions of Interventions, Counterfactual Dependencies and Difference-makers J. Williamson: The Epistemological Significance of Imprecise Probability

J. Carr: What do (Im)Precise Credences Represent?

S. Bradley & G. Wheeler: Reply to Carr and Williamson

J. Carr & J. Williamson: Carr and Williamson's Response
J. B. Pitts: Einstein's Physical Strategy, Energy Conservation, Symmetries and Stability J. Bzovy: Species Concepts as Tools
13:30-14:00 I. Niiniluoto: Abduction and cultural evolution J. Fraser: Renormalization and Relativity L. Kästner & B. Krickel: Squaring the Circle? Assessing Mechanistic Constitution With Interventions
14:00-14:30 M. Abrams: Causal probability and scientific practice J. Bain: What Explains the Spin-Statistics Connection? M. Baumgartner & L. Casini: Establishing Constitutional Relations, in Theory and in Practice
14:30-15:00 M. I. Kaiser: On the Limits of Causal Modeling: Spatially-Structurally Complex Phenomena L. Vervoort & Y. Gingras: Macroscopic oil droplets mimicking quantum behavior: How far can we push an analogy? R. Morris: Against the grain: an investigative model for the ancestral health movement
15:00-15:30 Refreshments, foyer, room 52 and canteen

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Formal Approaches to Philosophy of Science III (Chair: P. Thorn) General Philosophy of Science VI (Chair: L. Desautels) Symposium: Situated Cognition and Scientific Practice (Chair: M. Werning) Symposium: Physics and the Nature of Computation (Chair: K. Thebault) Historical, Social and Cultural Studies in Philosophy of Science III (Chair: W. van der Deijl)
15:30-16:00 Q. Harr: Relative Modalities and Chance G. Hirsch Hadorn: On a Rationale for Cognitive Values A. Toon: Empiricism for Cyborgs

M. MacLead & N. Neressian: Building Computational Representations for Scientific Discovery: A Distributed Cognition Account

S. Leonelli: Distributed Reasoning in Data-Centric Science

A. Gelfert: Hardwig's Dilemma and a Hidden Individualism in Social Theories of Scientific Knowledge (CANCELLED)

O. Palermos: Active Externalism, Virtue Reliabilism and Scientific Knowledge
C. Timpson & O. Maroney: Is Information Physical?

V. Kendon & C. Horsman: When does a Physical System Compute?

A. Duwell: The Mechanistic View of Computation and Quantum Computers
R. Scholl: The argument from the good lot: Unconceived alternatives and 19th century bacteriology
16:00-16:30 R. Heesen: Communism and the Incentive to Share in Science H. Andersen: The structure of science: From diachronic to a synchronic account S. Green: Debating causation in the life sciences: A systems perspective on causes and effects of cancer
16:30-17:00 T. Kuipers: Models, postulates, and generalized nomic truth approximation H. Hasse & J. Lenhard: Measuring the Unmeasurable. Engineering, Mathematics, and the Computer: A New Mixture T. Reydon: Metaphysics Naturalized? The Case of Classification in the Sciences
17:00-17:30 T. Müller: Thermodynamics vs. statistical mechanics: A matter of logic I. Votsis: Measuring Unification T. Uebel: Philosophy in Unified Science: The Bipartite Metatheory Conception (CANCELLED)
17:40-19:10 EPSA General Assembly Meeting, room 5D
19:15-20:15 EPSA Women's Caucus, room 5E

Saturday, September 26

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Symposium: The Tension between a Naturalistic and a Normative Approach to Explanation and Understanding (Chair: J. Díez) Symposium: Probabilities, Chances and Statistics (Chair: N. Retzlaff) General Philosophy of Science VII (Chair: J. Z. Bonilla) Philosophy of the Natural Sciences V (Chair: F. Boge) Philosophy of the Social Sciences I (Chair: P. Thorn)
09:30-10:00 J. Faye: An Evolutionary and Cognitive Approach to Understanding

A. M. Nounou: On Scientific Understanding without Explanation

H. de Regt: From Explanation to Understanding: Normativity Lost?

P. Ylikoski: Normativity and the Inferential Account of Understanding
A. P. Dawid: On Individual Risk

L. Fenton-Glynn: Unsharp Best System Chances

J. Ismael: Against Ontic Chances (CANCELLED)

A. Lyon: Counterfactual Probabilities, Chances and Robust Explanations

M. Suárez: Propensities, Chances, and Experimental Statistics
N. Wüthrich: Conceptualizing uncertainty: An assessment of the latest uncertainty framework of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change R. Dardashti: No Alternatives for What? Non-empirical Evidence in the Case of String Theory H. Schilgen: What even is explanatory pluralism? (CANCELLED)
10:00-10:30 O. Lemeire: Causality and natural kinds M. Redei, Z. Gyenis, & G. Hofer-Szabo: The Borel-Kolmogorov Paradox and conditional expectations J. van Bouwel: Do mechanism-based explanations make a case for methodological individualism?
10:30-11:00 P. Teller: Pan-Perspectival Realism S. Friederich: Symmetries and the identity of physical states K. Thebault, S. Bradley, & A. Reutlinger: Modeling Inequality
11:00-11:30 R. Dawid: The No Miracles Argument without Base Rate Fallacy V. Lam & C. Wüthrich: Functional emergence of spacetime in quantum gravity S. Wintein & C. Heilmann: Cooperative game theory, philosophy and the social sciences
11:30-12:00 Poster Session, room 34
12:00-13:30 Conference Lunch, room 52
Graduate Student Gathering, room 22

Room 5D Room 5E Room 5F Room 5G Room 5H

Symposium: Local vs. Global Approaches to Realism (Chair: L. Fahrbach) General Philosophy of Science VIII (Chair: R. Dawid) Symposium: Theory Choice meets Social Choice (Chair: C. J. Feldbacher) Philosophy of the Natural Sciences VI (Chair: S. Friederich) Philosophy of the Life Sciences IV (Chair: J. Bzovy)
13:30-14:00 P. Dicken: Forget Perrin (CANCELLED)

L. Henderson: Should the Debate over Scientific Realism Go Local?

S. Psillos: Kinds of Evidence for Realism: Revisiting the Case of Atomism

J. Saatsi: A Case for Local Realism
V. Kindi: Kuhn's Revolutions S. Okasha: Arrow's Theorem and the Rationality of Scientific Theory Choice

M. Morreau: Can there be Neutral Choice Procedures in Science?

A. Marcoci & J. Nguyen: On the Rationality of Theory Choice

W. Gaertner & N. Wüthrich: Evaluating Competing Theories via a Common Language of Qualitative Verdicts
M. Dorato: Events, quantum mechanics and the passage of time T. Baetu: Extrapolation in Basic Research (CANCELLED)
14:00-14:30 P. Illari: How are mechanistic explanations understood? M. Egg: Do We Need a Primitive Ontology to Make Quantum Mechanics Empirically Coherent? U. Stegmann: Model organisms and explanation
14:30-15:00 G. Masterton, F. Zenker, & P. Gärdenfors: From Classical Mechanics, to Special Relativity Theory, and Quantum Mechanics - Or: Why structural realists would profit from studying structural continuity by means of conceptual spaces J. Kuorikoski: There are no mathematical explanations M. Poznic: Modeling Organs with Chips: Design and Representation as Modeling Relations
15:00-15:30 M. Kuhlmann: Explaining Complex Dynamics by Structural Mechanisms G. Sengers: Presentism meets Black Holes again M. Fagan: Explanation, unification, and mechanisms
15:30-16:00 Refreshments, foyer, room 52 and canteen

Plenary Lecture, room 5D (Chair: G. Schurz)
16:00-17:30 M. Weber: Causality in Dynamical Biological Mechanisms
17:30-18:00 Closing, room 5D
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